Acne to Glow



I am so excited you are here!!


Acne to g l o w ™ treats the root cause of acne from the inside out in the most modern, comprehensive, educational way with Herbal/Nutritional Medicine and Naturopathic education. 


Acne to g l o w ™ is the only implementation program of its kind. Not only educating you how to 'treat the root cause' of your acne but allowing you to understand your body on a deeper level and the vital messages it sends you daily. Allowing you to finally g l o w from the inside out. 


Before I tell you all about this life changing program, let’s talk about who it is really for.

If you.....

  • Want glowing skin, thriving health and want to feel educated about your body.
  • Want blemish free skin and over outdated acne bandaid treatments.
  • Want to treat the root cause of your acne for once and for all. 
  • Have acne or acne prone skin and whatever you do, the breakouts do not go away. 
  • Have tried EVERYTHING and you are completely over trying countless products with empty promises. 
  • Tried expensive external, painful treatments (laser, skin needling) and your skin gets better then your acne comes back again. 
  • Want low maintenance, easy, fresh, healthy skin. 
  • Are wondering why your teenage acne has not gone away. 
  • Have PCOS and acne. 
  • Have monthly breakouts just before you bleed. 
  • Are pregnant with acne flare ups. 

You are in the right place and I am going to teach you how to go from 'Acne to g l o w'. 

Imagine what it feels like to finally achieve the clear, glowing skin you have always dreamed of.

You will learn, once and for all, how to treat the root cause of your acne for good while feeling supporting by your very own Acne Naturopathic Team. 

Let's g l o w and finally say goodbye to acne!! 

By the end of this program, 

you will have:  

  • Finally understood the root cause of your acne and started treated it. 

    No more confusion, frustration or doubting your skin and body.  You will understand your bodies needs, wants and recognise the signs/signals it sends you.
  • Balanced nutritional deficiencies and/or hormonal imbalances. 

    Have the energy, balanced health and vitality you have always wanted. 
  • Experienced the power of Holistic Medicine.   

    Support your gut, liver, lymphatics, hormones and nervous system to treat your acne for good. 
  • Access to your own individualised, high strength Practitioner only Product prescription. 

    Custom medicine made for you, know how to eat for your individual needs, no need to take low quality supplements in high amounts to get the same results in professional ranges.
  • Choose and understand the correct skincare products for your skin. 

    No more guessing and trialling expensive skincare products. Feel completely confident that you have the correct skincare ritual to support your skin to become and stay acne free. 

Enroll in Acne to g l o w Today

Enroll in Acne to

g l o w Today

A One-Time Payment of


PAY IN FULL + SAVE $98 + BONUS 1 & 2


3 Monthly Payments of



What’s Inside 'Acne to g l o w'


Module 1

Nutrients and Hydration

Understand that you are what you eat, what specific foods to eat or not to eat for glowing, acne free skin. You will understand the ins and outs of Histamine and Histadine, how these amino acids affect acne. The real deal behind allergies and intolerances. Why dairy is acne's kryptonite. How healthy fats moisturise you from the inside out. 

Module Highlights:

  • Finally understand what foods promote healthy, glowing skin. 
  • Ahh haaa moments regarding understanding the science behind acne and why treating acne from the inside out is the only way to achieve long lasting glowing skin. 
  • Naturopathic physical signs and symptoms to look for, understanding what your body is trying to tell you. 
Module 2

Skincare Products

The educational, one of a kind module explaining how skincare actually works and what is the best skincare to use. What ingredients to look for when you have acne or acne prone, oily skin. The Traditional Chinese Medicine acne face map. 

Module Highlights:

  • Double cleansing, over cleansing and understanding the skins delicate microbiome. 
  • The use of oils in acne treatments. 
  • Why active skincare is the good guy with the bad reputation. 
Module 3

Hormones - Part 1

Learn about the hormone cascade, why cholesterol is essential and needed for glowing, acne free skin. Why your hormones are the on/off switch to whether you break out or not. Oestrogen the good, bad and ugly, Progesterone and how to 'test' do not 'guess'. The Herbal Medicine that can support, balance, nourish your hormones and skin from the inside out. 

Module Highlights:

  • Naturopathic explanation about hormones and acne, everything you wanted to know, as to why you have acne. 
  • The science and art of Herbal Medicine. 
  • Functional Integrative testing to understand your hormones on a deeper level, while implementing techniques into your life to understand what your body/hormones are trying to tell you. 
Module 4

Hormones - Part 2

Learn what androgens are, how they may affect you. Understand the importance of balancing your insulin levels and why contraception is not acne's best friend, even though it is pretending to be and if you are on contraception what you can do to minimise depletion and maximise glowing skin. 

Module Highlights:

  • Hormone herbal medicine in liquid tinctures and tea formats. How to have your own medicine cabinet in your kitchen. 
  • The importance of knowing your cycle for you without the apps. 
  • How stress and hormones need to play nicely in order to achieve acne free skin. 
Module 5


How the liver is very important in the bodies ability to clear out excess oestrogen. Phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification and specific nutrients needed for detoxification. 

Module Highlights:

  • Understanding the importance of liver detoxification.  
  • Herbal Medicine to support and even help regenerate your liver. 
  • The importance of sleep and how sleep dictates the livers ability to work effectively. 
Module 6


Stomach enzymes, small/large intestine health, pre/probiotics, the microbiome, fermented foods and short chain fatty acids. 

Module Highlights:

  • Gut, skin, brain connection. 
  • Learning how 70% of our immune system is located in our gut. 
  • How the gut is the epicentre of clear, acne free skin. 
Module 7

Nervous System

Learn how to balance your cortisol levels with Herbal Medicine - Nervines, Adaptogens and Nutritional Medicine. Balance sleeping patterns naturally and prevent adrenal overload/exhaustion. 

Module Highlights:

  • Take control of your stress. 
  • Understand how stress impacts your skin (acne) on a biological and energetic level. 
  • What 'wired' and 'tired' means for your skin health. 
Module 8

Lymphatic System

Learn how important lymphatic clearance is when achieving glowing, acne free skin. How intestinal permeability issues affect our Lymphatic system.  Dry body brushing and Herbal Medicine to support Lymphatic health. 

Module Highlights:

  • Understanding the lymph acne face map. 
  • The importance of hydrochloric acid and our Lymphatic system. 
  • The biological function of dendritic cells, our immune system and Lymphatic circulation. 

When you enroll during this special, time period, you will get:


    • #8 Modules

      8 weeks of specialised, experienced educational Acne to g l o w modules, accompanied by easy to follow resources. All course content is based on over 8 years of Naturopathic University based Education and clinical experience.
      (AUD $1297 value)

    • Access to Practitioner Only Nutraceutical and Herbal Medicine Products

      Prescribing you the highest quality and strength to treat the root cause of your acne, holistically.
      (AUD $98 Value)
    • 1 x 30 minute ATG™️ 1:1 appointment with our experienced Acne Naturopaths. 

      With University degrees in health and clinical science, our Naturopaths combine modern research and the unique ancient art of herbal medicine to give you the best results.
      (AUD $179 Value)
    • Access to the ATG™️ private Facebook group 

       This is where you can connect with your ATG™️ community and ask questions. (Limitless)
    • Lifetime access to all the Videos, Audio, PDF's, Guides, Recipes and Treatment Plans. 





Plus These Bonuses to Help You go from

'Acne to g l o w'.  


Bonus 1


The Acne to g l o w Recipe Book


Practical, functional, economical recipe book, hand crafted by Acne Naturopath, Nutritionist and Herbal Medicine  practitioner - Hayley Barnes, to nourish women with acne prone, congested skin. 

(AUD $129 Value)

What You Will Get:

  • 10 Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack and a few special dessert recipes for glowing, acne free skin. 
  • Ancient and Modern Naturopathic Philosophy based nutritional guidance, treating common nutritional deficiencies seen in women with acne. 



Bonus 2


ATG™️ Meditations & Visualisation


Your mind and your skin are connected. This guided meditation set is specifically made for YOU. to support your clear skin mindset and nourish parasympathetic nervous system dominance (rest and digest). 

(AUD $29 Value)

What You Will Get:

  • Acne to g l o w™️ Meditation
  • Glowing Gratitude Meditation
  • Deep Sleep Meditation





Bonus 1 value: AUD $129


Acne to g l o w course value: AUD $1,574




YOUR PRICE: 3 monthly payments of AUD $365





Bonus 1 & 2 value: AUD $158


Acne to g l o w course value: AUD $1,574







Enroll in Acne to g l o w Today

Enroll in Acne to

g l o w Today

A One-Time Payment of


PAY IN FULL + SAVE $98 + BONUS 1 & 2


3 Monthly Payments of



If you do the work and you are still not satisfied, show me your work within 14 days of purchasing Acne to g l o w™️ and I will gladly give you a refund. 

Keeping in mind 'treating the root cause' of acne is not a quick fix but I can guarantee it is worth it 100% and necessary to keep you acne free for good with glowing skin, thanks to Acne to g l o w™️. 



What will your AFTER photo look like?

Frequently Asked Questions

Burning Questions your fellow Acne to g l o w students asked before grabbing their access:

Give Acne to g l o w a 14 day risk free shot if you are motivated by any of the following:


Over trying countless expensive skincare products... and painful treatments... 


Not liking the look of your face in the mirror. 

Not wanting to take medications causing harmful side effects and not treating the cause of your acne. 

Not wanting to leave the house without make up on. 

Feeling self conscious that everyone is looking at your acne. 

Having painful cysts over your chin and jawline. 

Waking up to yet another pimple. 

Wasting your precious time, energy on money, stressing how you can make the blemishes go away, for good. 


"Working with Hayley has been one of the best things that could have ever happened to me! Hayley goes above and beyond in her work. Hayley is real and has a gentle soul. I cannot fault her"


"I am so grateful for Hayley and her abundance of knowledge. I have not felt this amazing in a long time!"


"Hayley is a super passionate practitioner, who treats the root cause, while treating the individual. I am so excited to be working with you Hayley!"

Enroll in Acne to g l o w Today

Enroll in Acne to

g l o w Today

A One-Time Payment of


PAY IN FULL + SAVE $98 + BONUS 1 & 2


3 Monthly Payments of



I personally cannot wait to teach you how to go from

Acne to g l o w...


Having glowing, acne free skin has literally transformed my life.

I have experienced first hand what it feels like to have painful, chronic acne to now having smooth, healthy, glowing, acne free skin.

I want to teach you how you can also go from Acne to g l o w. To experience what it feels like to wake up to clear, fresh, glowing skin every single day.

If you accept my invitation, I personally guarantee that Acne to g l o w™️ will be completely life changing!!

I look forward to meeting you personally inside Acne to g l o w™️.


Let's g l o w,

Your Acne Naturopath, Nutritionist and Herbal Medicine Practitioner. 


 B.H.Sc. B.Clin.Sc.