09 - Morning g l o w & Gratitude Meditation

This podcast episode is you Skin Professionals treating the root cause of acne or for people with acne listening wanting to clear their acne.

I have seen this time and time again in clinical practice with acne clients. They buy the supplements, they eat clean, they do the skincare BUT they still believe that they will have acne for the rest of their lives and that nothing will work for them.

I use to think that something was deeply wrong with me, when I tried absolutely everything to treat my acne with no success and the acne would come back even worse.... until I learnt how to treat the root cause of my acne, which I now teach Skin Professionals how to do in my step by step course Advanced Acne to g l o w®.

I have now meditated every morning and night, give or take a few sessions for 13 years!! I definitely notice the days I do not meditate. I have a shorter fuse, more anxious, easily overwhelmed, less creative, less productive and overall less happy.... so I created this meditation specific to all my acne clients in clinic to support them re train their brain to believe having clear skin is possible because it is. I wanted my clients to focus on the things that are already working in their life and to be grateful for that every morning.

Supplements, Functional Testing, Skincare will not work if your client unconsciously and consciously thinks that their acne will never go away and even if it does when they look at their face they will always see acne or left over acne scars as acne. It is very important to address the mental component of acne and having clients do this short FREE meditation in the morning consistently will make the world of difference!!

Send this to all your acne clients to engage in and watch the difference in client compliance, positivity and overall vibe change to their ability to treat the internal root cause of their acne.

If you are interested in becoming an Acne Specialist and taking Advanced Acne to g l o w®️ learning how to treat the root cause of your clients acne in just 3 months!! Then click the link below to join now:


You will not only learn how to treat the root cause of your clients acne with specific Naturopathic recommended nutrition, lifestyle modifications and custom Medicinal Herbal Tea prescribing but you will become the 'GO TO' Holistic Acne Specialist in your area, changing your clients skin and lives!! Achieving 'before and after' results for acne clients like you and the client have never seen before, attracting *new* acne clients from sharing these results too!! See you inside Advanced Acne to g l o w®, we cannot wait to welcome you!!

Also are we friends on Instagram?
Love to chat more there!!

Instagram: @skincare_academy_

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Let’s g l o w,

Hayley Barnes
B. Cli. Sc. (Nat. Studies/Comp. Med). B.H.Sc. (Naturopathy)

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for education/information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. While the author uses best endeavours to provide accurate and true content, the author makes no guarantees or promises regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information presented. If you rely on any information provided in this article, you do so at your own risk.