Skincare rituals

Sep 27, 2021
Skincare rituals

Your skin is a unique set of cells, specific to you as an individual.

The health of your skin is WAY more interesting and amazing, than just applying skincare products to your face. 

Did you know how harmful ingredients in skincare products can be for your health. Let me tell you why.... this is because the skin is our largest organ and what you apply to your skin is absorbed straight into your blood stream, this is why transdermal patches work so well. Your Gastrointestinal system (gut) has time to detoxify harmful pesticides, herbicides on the foods you eat but your skin doesn't have its own gastrointestinal system and heavily relies on your lymphatic system to detoxify nasty chemicals. Help you lymphatic system and lighten the load by checking your skincare products to see if they contain any harmful chemicals from the 'dirty dozen list':

  1. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT).
  2. Coal tar dyes:  p-phenylenediamine and colours listed as “CI” followed by a five digit number. 
  3. DEA related ingredients. 
  4. Dibutyl phthalate. 
  5. Formaldehyde-releasing preservatives. 
  6. Parabens.
  7. Parfum (a.k.a fragrance).
  8. PEG compounds. 
  9. Petrolatum. 
  10. Siloxanes. 
  11. Sodium laureate sulfate.
  12. Triclosan.

Not to mention skincare products that can hormone destroying endocrine disrupters that make your hormones go crazy.

Here are some of the worst endocrine disrupters to look out for, found in skincare products, absorbed directly into your blood stream through your skin:

  1. BPA.
  2. Dioxin.
  3. Atrazine.
  4. Phthalates.
  5. Perchlorate. 
  6. Fire retardants. 
  7. Lead.
  8. Arsenic.
  9. Mercury. 
  10. Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs). 
  11. Organophosphate pesticides.
  12. Glycol Ethers. 

For more information on endocrine disrupters and how they disrupt our hormones, creating potentially significant health risks, click here.  

Go have a look at the ingredients in the skincare products you are putting on your body now and compare it against the list above.

You vote with your dollar and your skin and body deserves the best!!

Your skin is living, breathing organ and it changes with the seasons, the weather, with your emotions, hormones, hydration and how sleep you have had, and yes… what skin care you are using topically.


“You are what your skin absorbs”.
— Hayley Barnes


My transformation from cystic, persistent acne to GLOW was a lengthy journey and full of learning. Let me educate you so your journey does not have to be as long as mine.

The first thing I recommend for people with cystic acne is to decrease inflammation in the body, that means decreasing the amount of sugar you consume and eating dairy free alternatives. Stay tuned for another blog post about going dairy free for glowing acne free skin.

To learn more about me and some of my health challenges, click the link here. This is you know that I am real person just like you, I actually include a photos of me when my acne was quite bad. 

I now receive compliments about my skin and by request I will write my skincare ritual down below. Just a reminder though, we are all different and not one approach fits every single person. 

I have spent 14 years testing, trailing and testing what seems like every single skin care product on the market.

I have invested 7 years of my life into educating myself about the many benefits of natural medicine and how treating the root cause of health complaints gives power to the people, understanding how clients feel in control of their health and life once they understand what the root cause of their health challenge was.  

Your skin is more than an organ to me, it is a reflection of you, your happiness, energy, vitality and your skin deserves to glow just as you deserve to GLOW. 

Do you notice, your skin glows when you are the happiest, or had the BEST sleep and the whites of your eyes are well white haha, your eyes sparkle. That is what I want for all my clients, it is more than being acne free for me, I want my students to GLOW. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) there is a very amazing tool called the Chinese Medicine face map, which links areas of your face where you may have congestion, pimples, acne to an area of the body that needs more love/support. 

I have added a photo of one of the face maps that I like to use with my clients, below, so you can start your 'Acne to GLOW' transformation now, knowing what part of the body you need to address pending the location of congestion. 



SOOO…. Here are my ‘secrets’ revealed. I am sharing what has worked for me and my skin, to educate and inspire you to find your own glowing skin ritual that's works for you. 

  • Cleanser - ‘Organic Spa Cream Cleanser’ this guy I have found to be the perfect cleanser for me, especially in the winter time when you need a little more moisture. In the summertime I may tend to swap for a lighter cleanser with citrus acid in a foaming consistency such as ‘Organic Spa Foaming Cleanser’ or ‘Organic Nation Citrus foaming Milk Cleanser’. But right now I am loving the Ultraceuticals - Ultra Balancing Gel Cleanser for the cooler months as I find it does not dry me out as much as the Organic spa cream cleanser, both are great cleansers. 

  • Day Moisturiser - The best one I have found for my skin is ‘Saya - Balance Moisture"‘. I love this day moisturiser because it is light but my skin feels moisturised. This product has Kakadu plum in it which has the highest level of vitamin C in the world possible squeezed into a fruit. Plus Kakadu plus is an Australian native, represent.

  • Night Moisturiser - I like to use oils at night because my skin can get quite thirsty, but I do find my hair line can get oily because I like to really massage my oil in at night doing my ‘skin - liates’ = pilates for your skin. Asian women have being doing this forever. You do certain exercises with your face and add pressure to your face in an upward direction while rubbing in your oils, well this is what I do. Some people use skin rollers but I like to use Gua Sha when applying my night moisturiser and applying my night oil/serum. Let me know if you want me to do a night time routine video to explain what I do. It works for me, try this out and see what happens… I use ‘Saya Argan Face Oil’. Surprise, surprise this has Kakadu plum in it too (my favourite). Kakadu plum is a rich source of Vitamin C and naturally a potent essential fatty acid (Omega 6 and 9). Plus Argan oil - which I love especially since my trip to Morocco where they are always using Argan oil all over their bodies, in their hammams and eating Argan butter/oil. Argan oil is a potent antioxidant like Kakadu plum and this is the stuff you want to be feeding your skin. With Vitamin E added in, which surprise is another antioxidant that repairs and protects the skin. You see, you still want to live your life. So use skin care that protects and repairs. Don’t be afraid to go out in the sun if you love the beach, don’t be afraid to age….. because it means you have more time of this beautiful planet with the souls you love and some people don’t get that blessing, just go out before 10am and after 2pm. Live your life in the open air, driving a vintage white cadillac convertible after a day at the beach in a bikini, because if you use the right skin care and look after your body you can do it all and still have GLOWING skin at the same time!! I’m not missing out, I love to be out in the natures elements and I still have beautiful skin!! Now I have found out that this ‘Saya Argan Face oil” does use Soya bean (not organic) and Im not a fan of soy because of the research I have done about. Soya bean non organic be be filled with loads of toxic chemicals and soy is a phytoestrogen which means it can mimic oestrogen in the body and I don’t want any more additional oestrogen in my body. This is a personal preference of mine. So once I finish this oil I will be trying ‘Inika - Organic Enriched Rosehip Oil’ instead of the Saya Argan Face Oil. I am excited to try this product out because mostly all my make up is INIKA and I love it!! This Organic Enriched Rosehip oil uses cold-pressed Rosa Canina (Rosehip) Seeds which have been carefully blended with four native Australian essential oils—Kakadu Plum (SURPRISE) Crown of Gold, Lilli Pilli and Quandong. My great grandfather use to plant and harvest Quandong trees, way back when and then my Nana his daughter would make Quandong pie. Yumm!!! Talk about ahead of their time!! These essential oils are rich in fatty acids, Vitamin C and antioxidants too!! *Warning - Rosehip oil can be a pink/red colour and leave your white pillow cases and sheets with a feral brownish oil stain. Just saying…. been there. I am hoping this oil is a clear consistency. Right now I like to use ULTRACEUTICALS - ULTRA HYDRATING LOTION. 

  • Night Vitamin A - ULTRA MD -  ULTRA A PERFECTING SERUM' You can not buy this baby just any where, usually found in plastic surgeries or aesthetic practices. It is part of a Medical Doctor (MD) range so you will need a resisted skincare therapist to prescribe it to you and your skin needs to pull some vitamin A weights before you get stuck into this bad boy. You need to start will mild forms of retinol (Vitamin A) before increasing the retinol concentration. I have used Vitamin A in high doses before on my skin. DISCLAIMER: you really need to speak to an aesthetic nurse, dermatologists or skin specialist about using this product. You can only use vitamin A at night and need to wear face sunscreen the next day because your skin will be super super sensitive, well mine is. This baby is the kick you need in your skin care nourishment routine. This product is called a cosmeceutical which basically means it is the next step up in skin care where nature and science are doing a dance together. You can not get this amount of vitamin A naturally occurring, let’s be honest here. Vitamin A is important for me because it: improves acne prone skin like mine by normalising oil production (Jojoba oil can do this too but not to the extent I want it too), leaving the skin less oily and more balanced. Vitamin A also helps normalise any pigmentation/scarring by maintaining a healthy epidermis (1st layer) and dermis (2nd layer) of skin. *I always place my vitamin A cream on first before I place any night oils over the top.

  • Green clay mask - I like to use a green clay once per week as a mask. I buy a pure Australia Bentonite clay by itself - unrefined, sun dried food grade quality. The brand is called 'The Salt Box - Australian Healing Bentonite Clay'.  This Bentonite clay is from Queensland, Australia. My home state. Bentonite Clay is actually a volcanic ash that has been compressed by the seabed over time.  Due to Bentonite clay's high colloidal value, it is commonly used it for absorbing toxins. Drawing out the bacteria found in pustular acne. It is therefore very effective at drawing toxins from the body topically. 

    Note: Bentonite Clay can be associated with attracting heavy metals, so it is extremely important to ensure your Bentonite is sourced from a reputable supplier like this one. 

    Instructions for Bentonite clay face mask:

    Use a non metal bowl and implements for mixing.

    Face Mask: Make a paste from 3 parts water or apple cider vinegar with 1 part clay.  Massage into the skin, avoiding eyes and mouth and let dry fro 15-20 mins.  Rinse with warn water.  

  • Exfoliant - I love the Edible Beauty - Desert Lime Flawless Micro-exfoliant with some amazing native Australian botanical actives. I also love the Saya AHA Face exfoliant  The exfoliant is one of the only organic AHA exfoliants, with fruit acid from Bilberry, Sugar Cane, Apple, Orange & Lemon forms an Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) to aid in hyperpigmentation, scarring and signs of ageing.

So there you go, that is what I am using right now, but this changes monthly as I test to see what my skin responds too. I am trailing new skincare all the time as well as treating my skin internally (think vegan collagen, zinc, chaste tree berry, liquorice, peony, bitters, enzymes, pre/probiotics and more).

By the way I think eye cream - its a cop out and a waste of time, this is one of the many strategies skincare companies use to get you to buy more products. You are already putting your current moisturiser over your eye lids and around your eyes anyway, plus using your choice of oil's.

Wow this is embarrassing, but a really good tip.... surprise I shave my face,  yep you heard right, Marilyn Monroe knew what was up. I shave my face to take off all the blonde baby hairs 'fluff', this allows my skin care to penetrate deeper and makes your face look cleaner and fresher plus when you decide to wear make up it goes on like a silky satin slip.

I use a thin razor to shave my face, they are cheap and last forever, you will know when they are not sharp anymore and buy some more. *Be careful to not shave your eyebrow hair or any hair that you want to keep ok?

Warning: The blade is very sharp.  Purchase you facial hair razor from here.

  • Body Moisturiser - I have tried everything and the best thing is drum roll please - COCONUT OIL. Have your shower/bath like normal. Wash all your bits and your hair etc, then turn the water off, your body is warm from the heat of the water usually (not if you are having cold showers haha), so your pores are open. Then place a layer of coconut oil over your body and massage it in, thanking your body for allowing you to do what you want to do in this world. For your legs to carry you around all day and for your body to allow you to experience the life you love. I even do the bottom of my feet, then turn the warm water back on and rinse off the oil so you do not feel like a slippery salmon all day. Then I finish will a quick rinse of cold water to seal the pores of my skin with the coconut oil. A cold rinse is great for your metabolism and energy after a hot shower. *WARNING: Wash the bath or shower floor after you finish coconutting because it becomes VERY slippery and I have almost tripped over lots of my family members who wanted to just a have a shower of bath and wasn’t expecting to be walking on banana skins. This is important!!! I do not want anyone falling over in the bath or shower and this is a disclaimer!! Especially if you have older people living with you, be safe people. I also like to use SUKIN - HYDRATING BODY MOISTURISER in summer as it is a bit lighter than coconut oil. 

  • Rose Water mist - ‘Organic Nation - MORE THAN ROSE HYDRATION MIST (100ML)’ is my favourite rose water mist. I have tried so many and I have got rashes all over my face, sneezed from the toxic, fake, synthetic perfumes etc etc and this one……. is the best I have found. Besides making one your self from Certified Organic Rose petals. I love to spray this on my face after my Saya Balance moisturiser and throughout the day if I am wanting a little bot of light moisture. I also spray it under my arms for a little sweet perfume, if I think I am smelling a bit nastay. I don’t use any deodorant or perspirants etc. I will add a little Citrus essential oil under my arm pits in the warmer months and that is it.


    Rose is the Queen of essential oils, and will repair and hydrate your skin. This Rose water blend has aloe vera in it as well for additional light moisture plus the most beautiful combination of antioxidant berries Tazman Pepper, Riberry and Mutari Berry, which are all Australian….. represent. The rose implemented into this formula is ‘Damask Rose’ and is effective in reducing inflammation and redness whilst aiding in repairing capillaries. Breathing in rose can have a profound effect on your psyche, as well as slowing down your nervous system and heart rate. Boom!! This rose hydration mist is 90% Certified organic too!!!!! Love it!! One of my upmost favourite rose products is made by my dear friend Dee Light from her boutique skincare range - Manifesto of Light. The Rose cream and the Rose Serum is something I have never come across. 

  • Sunscreen - as mentioned above its best to sunscreen your face everyday to protect yourself, especially if you implemented active skincare products into your skin ritual like retinol (Vitamin A). At the moment I like  ‘Ultraceuticals - SUNACTIVE SPF 50+ FACE CREAM’ it is  silky smooth, 50+  but it does have some nasties in it like benzyl alcohol and Octyl Methoxycinnamate. Octyl Methoxycinnamate has been found to be an endocrine disruptor that mimics oestrogen in the body and can affect thyroid function. This chemical has also been found to cause reproductive and developmental toxicity plus organ system toxicity (Campaign for safe Cosmetics, 2019). This sunscreen does however not clog my pores like all the other natural 'zinc oxide' based sunscreens, zinc oxide is a larger inorganic compound and can block your pores and lead to congestion. I will let you decide, I am on the hunt to find a clean sunscreen, that is 50+ with smaller based molecules that do not clog my pores. 

I also sleep on 100% Organic Bamboo pillow cases and sheets which are antimicrobial and 100% organic, so there is no harsh chemicals rubbing up against my skin while I am sleeping. We sleep for almost half our life, so this is a good investment.  Bamboo is breathable fibre, so my skin can breathe while I am sleeping which is essential. 

It is great for your skin to let it breathe, this means not wearing clothes to bed at night if possible, or even for a few nights not wearing one item of clothing, (shorts for example). If you feel safe to do so, try it out and feel your skin breathe easier. Your lymphatic system will thank you. As clothes can restrict lymphatic circulation especially if they are too tight. 

Most of all the products listed above are of vegan, organic, natural, fair trade, eco conscious, animal cruelty free nature, so investing in these high quality products is not only good for your health and your skin but good for all our beautiful animals and leaving less of a mark on our precious environment. 

I would love to know how you go with upgrading your skincare ritual.

Let's GLOW from the inside out and outside in. 

Hayley Barnes 

Skincare Naturopath and Nutritionist.

B. Hth. Sci. (Naturopathy). B. Clin. Sci. (Nat. Stud./Comp. Med.)

A. T. M. S. Membership Number: 51050





Campaign for safe Cosmetics, 2019, retrieved from:



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