Introducing the real ME.

about me authenticity real person Sep 27, 2021

Introducing me!!


Nice to e meet you!!

I am Hayley, skincare Naturopath and Nutritionist, educating women how to treat 'the root cause' of their acne with Natural Medicine. So you can glow from the inside out!! 

Things change, I change, people change, seasons change and feelings change. As humans we evolve over time, so I would love introduce myself, knowing that tomorrow I may be a different person. 

I am an introverted, extrovert. Professional Samba no Pé dancer and love to also dance Brazilian (Baile) funk. I love looong baths, the beach, my family, my partner and my friends!!


I love supporting and educating women to understand their bodies, how they work, what they need to thrive and it is a great honour that I get to witness women GLOW from the inside out and radiant health and happiness with no bandaid approaches to health here. 

I love bathing, as mentioned above, it is a sacred ritual for me. I actually have a list with all the hot springs and thermal pools in the world that I am going to visit.

I am so grateful and appreciative to our queen mother 'nature' who has provided us with nutrients, herbal medicine and minerals so we can GLOW. Thank you!!

I live in Queensland, Australia and I feel very blessed. The ocean is everything to me although I have such a fascination with the desert. I believe simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. 

As I live in Australia, in the spirit of reconciliation I would like acknowledge that the 'Skincare Academy' respects the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. To their Elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people today. The 'Skincare Academy' would like to pay specific respect to the Gubbi Gubbi Indigenous people where this organisation was created. 

Travel and cultural appreciation is a massive passion of mine. I feel the happiest when I am exploring and being spontaneous. I love meeting and being immersed in different cultures and communities all over the world. 

I have a connection to Africa and Brazil. I am yet to still visit countries of my ancestry, but I am very excited too. Either way, we are all connected. 


Photo above: The Blue Lagoon, Grindavík, Iceland. (This place is on my hot springs/thermal pools places to visit list). 

I grew up on 20 acres of beachfront farm land, in South Australia, say what!! Rescuing animals and making cubby houses in the trees. 

I know right, so special!! I can drive a motorbike, boat, jet ski, catamaran (just) and a car too, haha. 

I loved dancing and singing throughout my childhood and still do today!!

From a young age, I use to make up performances with my sister to perform for family/friends or to ourselves, haha. For some reasons, I would also give myself the lead role, sorry sister, I love you. 

My sister and I would spend hours running and then jumping over the back of the couch with Mum and Dad telling us not too, so the couch would flip backwards, just so we could be like girls on Charlies Angels. 

Family is EVERYTHING to me and I love them so much!!

One of my favourite smells, is a fresh bon fire with the nights sky full of stars or fresh rain, salty air. Mmmm.

Most days you see me with a messy hair bun, wearing fun samba activewear, in nikes. I change from nike runners to glitter stilettos though. I wear lots of hats and love too. I am all or nothing though.  

I am human AF and I am real.  

I eff up. I make mistakes and I am not perfect...who actually is perfect?

The perfect skin actually doesn't exists, we are all humans, but what does exists is that GLOW, that sparkle in someones eyes. That is one of the core reasons why I created my passion project and signature course - 'Acne to Glow'.

I am the completely sober chick on the dance floor, having an absolute epic time and the last one to leave the dance floor when it's vibing!!

My favourite movie is: Bridesmaids because who wants to take life so seriously.

 Memes are life. 

Photo above: This is me while I sailed around the Whitsunday Islands, Queensland, Australia for 1 week. I love sailing and being in, on or around the ocean. I really want to learn how to free dive properly as well. 

I LOVE to wakeboard with a group of friends on the boat playing music, that I can hear while I am wakeboarding behind, with the freedom to be essentially flying across the water, this is the BEST.  


Above photo: Our hire catamaran at Butterfly Bay, Whitsunday Islands, Queensland, Australia. AMAZING is an understatement..... I love snorkelling, free diving. 

I love the feeling of the sun on my skin (a healthy amount of sun off course), no one wants to get burnt.

I love to not wear a bra as much as possible, not only are they uncomfortable but research shows that wire bras can severely restrict lymphatic circulation. 

One of my favourite party tricks, is that I can "roll" my belly and I like to think I can nail many different accents,  Haha. (No disrespect to people with accents), I love how diverse and different we all are, it makes us all unique and equally special. 

My favourite food is traditional Japanese suhsi with LOADS of home made pickled ginger, like LOADS. I also LOVE Persian food, my partner is Persian and makes the yummiest Persian dishes. Mmmmm Ghormeh sabzi and Zeresh Polo Ba Morgh.  

I also love HERBAL TEAS!! Chai, Rooibos, Hibiscus and fruity herbal teas.

I am an empath and can be sensitive to other peoples energy. I really do care and this can be my super power but I also need to have clear boundaries around my energy. 

Every night I listen to a guided meditation for 10 minutes, which I love and this helps me go to sleep in the most revitalising way. 


I use to have severe, stubborn cystic acne. Ever since I was thirteen years old, I suffered with acne vulgaris, until my mid twenties.  I never let my acne, take me down but it was consciously something I was always working through. It was so confusing to me, to look in the mirror and the mirror not reflect how I was feeling on the inside. I did not know what I was doing wrong.

I had many pimples full of pus all over my face and hearing girls at school complaining about how one pimple was ruining their day made me very angry and upset at times. I was very self conscious about my skin but never let it stop me from doing whatever I wanted to do. I always thought “there is worser people off than me” but it was a constant battle. 


 Photo above: This is me, when I started studying Naturopathy in 2012, my breakouts were mainly on my chin (digestive issues) and jawline (blood sugar  dysregulation) but I did have acne on my forehead, cheeks, even in my lip and eyebrows. 

 I am Human AF. 

Having acne and not understanding why it was going away even though I tried EVERYTHING. Every skin treatment, peel, skincare product, was the catalyst to me studying Natural Medicine, where the underlying root cause of health complaints is addressed, allowing people to understand why they have the specific health challenge in the first place. This allows people to make change for the long term and allows them to understand their individual body, how it thrives and what it does not thrive on. 

Seven years later and a lot of hard work, one Bachelor of Clinical Science (Complementary Medicine and Naturopathic Studies) from Southern Cross University and a Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) from Endeavour College of Natural Medicine, I became a clinical Naturopath, Nutritionist and Herbal Medicine practitioner!!

All the study, hard work, perseverance and different living situations, was so worth it because now I get to do what I LOVE and what I am extremely PASSIONATE about. That is educating women how to treat the 'root cause' of their acne with Natural Medicine - food as Medicine, Nutraceuticals and Herbal Medicine. Through education, I allow women to be in the drivers seat of their health and GLOW from the inside out. 

I was not the top student at University but I worked hard and when I started to work with clients 1:1 in the clinic, and my clients saw results, the High Distinctions (HD’s) started rolling in.  I was so freaking proud when I got my first HD I wanted to shout it from the roof top!! Yeww!! I did scream I think actually!!

It was pure happiness that I can do what I love and be bloody good at it too, off course I am not perfect but it was a sense of this is what I have always wanted to do and I am doing it!!

The more I worked with clients, I saw myself as a teacher rather than a health practitioner because I could see the power of education. Once you learn something you can not un learn it. This individualised education is so powerful and is the best investment you can make in your life. Learning about how your body thrives. No bandaid approaches at all. You are the expert of you, not me, however I can teach you what to do to achieve optimal skin and gut health. Then you decide what works for you and what does not. 

You know yourself better than anyone else in the entire world. Do not ever give that power away to someone else.

The “Vis Medicatrix Naturae” the healing power of nature is so powerful and truly amazing when you know how to live in abundance with it. 

I love YIN YOGA and my favourite colour when technically shade is WHITE. I love white. 


I LOVE adventure, (spontaneous adventures) camping, four wheel driving on the beach. I also skydived and loved it. One of my favourite FEELINGS in the world, is driving along a white beach, in a four wheel drive, in a bikini, with the sun out and my head hanging out the window with the wind/salty air kissing my face, (lock the doors to be safe if you try this). Magical!! 

I LOVE meeting new people but I have a threshold and need to retreat in private when I know I have had enough. I get socially excited!!

I love Infraed saunas and salt water spas. I love the heat. 

I am authentically me and you are authentically you.

So there it is, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. So you know me now, the real me and it feels like a massive exhale to let you know exactly who I am which may change from day to day though. 

Life is too short to be someone who you thought you were ment to be.

You are always here (taps chest), express yourself without thinking of what others may think of you. Easier said than done but this is your life, YOUR CHOICES, your willingness to change and want the best for YOU. 

This is me, I really hope to meet you online one day, or even better in my course 'Acne to GLOW'.

Let's connect on INSTAGRAM or even in person for a real life hug, virtual dance party soon? 

Let's GLOW, 

Hayley Barnes

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